Welcome to being a MYBA coach. Being a youth sports coach a rewarding experience and is a valuable learning opportunity. We’re here to support you in your journey as a coach!
Being a youth sports coach is an adventure and a challenge. The players you coach will have varying levels of basketball ability. You will need to be prepared for each practice and game. Make the focus to have fun (for you and the kids!) and work to keep the children engaged. Come to practice with a practice plan and a positive state of mind.
Approach your opportunity to coach with the correct level of commitment and responsibility. This means being a role model. The kids will look up to you and follow your example.
See the resources below to help you be a successful coach.
A link to your team in SportsEngine. See and manage your team online.
A link to the page on the MYBA website will all rules by grade documents.
How to guide from SportsEngine on how coaches can send broadcast emails to their team.